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Transport Accident Commission


Anyone living with a disability or in need of aged care support can access our services. We are a registered provider of attendant care and in home support through the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) and the Victorian Workcover Authority (WorkSafe Victoria). 


The TAC pays benefits to people injured in transport accidents. Working closely with our road safety partners, the TAC also actively campaigns to reduce the incidence of road trauma through accident prevention programs. The TAC is a Victorian Government-owned organisation whose role is to promote road safety, improve the State's trauma system and support those who have been injured on our roads.

The funds the TAC needs to perform these functions come from payments made by Victorian motorists when they register their vehicles each year with VicRoads.


The TAC covers transport accidents directly caused by the driving of a car, motorcycle, bus, train or tram. The TAC can provide support services for people injured in a transport accident as a driver, passenger, pedestrian, motorcyclist, or in some cases, a cyclist.


The TAC is a 'no-fault' scheme. This means that medical benefits will be paid to an injured person regardless of who caused the accident.


You can make a claim if:

  • You, or someone you represent, was involved in an accident caused by the driving of a car, motorcycle, bus, train or tram, and
  • You, or someone you represent, was injured or died in the accident.


Pedestrians and cyclists who were injured or died in accidents caused by the driving of a car, motorcycle, bus, train or tram are also covered.


If you have made a claim and are entitled to receive services, Morcare can provide these services and help you get the most out of your TAC funding. 


For more information about the TAC, please click here to visit the TAC website.


Want to refer a client? Click Here!


Morcare Services acknowledge that our work takes place on the Traditional Lands of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. We recognise the traditional custodians of the Land, their Elders of the past, present and emerging, and respect their unique ability to care for the Land and Water and their deep spiritual connection to it. 


©  Morcare Services Pty Ltd 2022-2023. All rights reserved.

PH: (03) 9800 4433

Fax: (03) 9800 4744

PO Box 6088, Wantirna, Vic 3152

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